1.sal er et kunstnerdrevet galleri i det sydlige Valby, tæt ved Sjælør Station og København Syd.

Det har til huse på hele første sal i en villa på Bjørnsonsvej 100 i forfatterkvarteret i Valby og drives af ejeren af denne hjemmeside, billedkunstner Anette Højlund.

Se mere på Instagram: @1.sal.100


Mit ønske er, at vise en bred palet af kunst med noget på hjerte. Et dybt engagement i hvad kunst er og kan, karakteriserer de kunstnere, der udstiller hos 1.sal.

1.sal præsenterer upcoming kunstnere såvel som meget erfarne. Salonophængninger – hvor værkerne hænger tæt, og mange kunstnere er med – veksler med præsentationer af én eller to kunstnere.



I investigate painting and drawing in relationship to materiality, nature and spirituality. Through abstractions and a confronting, meditative presence I address essential conditions for our being in the world: The sky, earth, soil, space, horizon, stillness, becoming and movement.

Painting is energy: The energy of colour, the energy in the process, the energy the final image produces in the viewer. The act of painting is a very physical and sensual process. And it´s dirty.

When I paint, I put forces into play: lines or pigment saturated substances are set in motion and finding a place to rest. It is question of presence, that is: of existing together with the image instead of in front of it. It is like wandering around in nature. It is being nature. It´s being a sphere in a sphere.

On the edge of consciousness, we find spiritual and material conditions of fragile and powerful life.



2023 KH7 Smallspace. Aarhus. 100 sketches for painting
2023 Atelier 228. København. SFÆRE. Painting and paperwork
2019 Det Gamle Borgerhus, Kolding. WUNDER. Painting and paperwork
2018 PLADS artspace, Aarhus. LUMEN. Painting and photography
2017 Galleri Molekyl. Malmø. PAINTING
2016 Leth & Gori. København. TRANSITIONS
2005 Overgaden Institut for Samtidskunst. Engang tog jeg til kap Finisterre.
2003 Muka Gallery, Auckland, NZ. Drawing, graphic works and photography
1999 Århus Kunstbygning. Disappear Fotography and video
1997 Udstillingsrummet, Havnen, Århus. Nature. Installation
1996 Vestergade 49, Århus. Once. Installation
1996 Rum 46, Århus. Die Farben. Installation
1995 Masters at Work, Århus. Membran. Installation (solo)
1994 Masters at Work, Århus. Opmåling. Installation (solo)
1994 Kunstnernes Hus, Århus. Betydningsdæmninger. Installation / painting
1992 Galleri Stadshil, København. Tegning, Maleri, Overmaling
1992 Kunstnernes Hus. Århus. Painting and drawing
1990 Galleri ved Åen, Århus. Painting and paperwork
1987 Galleri Profilen, Århus. Painting and paperwork


2023 Galleri Rank, Skagen. Sommerudstilling.
2018 KH7-artspace, Aarhus. Mellemværender.
2017 CGK_gallery, Carlsbergbyen. We are the Ones. Vol. 1
2016 Den Frie Udstillingsbygning. Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling
2011 Århus Kunstbygning. Ekko. With Else Ploug Isaksen
2004 Nishikawa Arts Festival. Video
2004 Okayama, Japan. Video
2004 SOAP, Kitakyushu, Japan. Video
2004 RICE+, Tokyo, Japan. Video
2004 Canolfan, Nagoya, Japan. Video
2003 Muka 2000, Auckland, NZ + Horsens Kunstmuseum
2003 Virtuel vandring på Amager Fælled. Video og tekst
2000 Muka. Auckland, New Zealand. Muka 633/2000 project Grafik
2000 Fukuoka Museum of Art, Japan. HereNow 2000 Video
2000 Rhizom, Aarhus. Mønstring 2000
1999 CCA Kitakyushu, Japan
1998 Rum 46, Aarhus. Videotek
1998 Rhizom, Aarhus. JA, JA, JA. Maleri
1997 Rhizom, Århus. Rhizom præsenterer. Installation
1996 Rum 46, Århus. From all of us to all of you. Grafik/multiple
1995 Odense, ved Klædefabrikken. Container 95. Installation
1995 Den Frie Udstillingsbygning. Watch&Go. Painting
1991 Bispegården. Kalundborg. Painting
1988 Charlottenborg. Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling
1989 Overgaden. Lyset og Mørket i Landskabet. Painting
1989 Frederikshavns Kunstmuseum. Painting
1986 Den Frie Udstillingsbygning. Landet i dag. Paperwork

1985-89 In this period I took part in 7 juried exhibitions in Denmark


2012 The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (KADK) PH.D. about drawing. Link: MIND THE GAP!
2010 Kunstakademie Düsseldorf (guest student). Experimental Aesthetics and Poetics
2002-2006 Copenhagen University. Comparative literature and Modern Culture (part time)
1998-1999 Center for Contemporary Art Kitakyushu, Japan. Contemporary art
1993-1994 Aarhus University. History of Ideas (part time)
1983-1986 Jutland Art Academy. Painting and graphic art

Curatorial work

2018 Mellemværender. KH7artspace, Aarhus. Collaborative project. Mellemværender
2001-04 BLIND DATE / PASSWORD: Online dialogue projekt Japan/Denmark. Resulting in two exhibitions at Brandts Klædefabrik, Odense and Center for Contemporary Graphic Art, Fukushima, Japan
2002 Mobbypet. Danish/Australian curated publikation (collaboration with Larissa Hjort)
2000 Screening Japan. Exhibition with 12 Japanese videoartists
Shown at på Hallo! gallery Copenhagen and Rum 46, Aarhus
1995-97 Masters at Work. Project gallery, curated in collaboration with Jan Sander

Member of BKF – (Danish Artists´ Union) 

Represented by

Molekyl Gallery, Malmö 
Lucky-Editions, Copenhagen